The Audio2000'S® AWM6025
super-value VHF dual-channel wireless system
is a direct response to the needs and desires of professionals as well as home
users. The advanced circuitry of the AWM6025 system provides reliable RF
transmission and reception with a transmission range of about
100 feet. With the
exceptional RF transmission and reception, the AWM6025 system fully delivers all the
reception and audio quality features that allow you to really enjoy the freedom of
Engineered For Dependable VHF Systems
The AWM6025 system has been engineered to be dependable VHF system
with a wide audio frequency range, high S/N ratio, and outstanding performance equal to
that of any professional wireless systems costing much more. This is achieved
through strict component selection and high quality circuit design. A delicately
designed silence circuit eliminates static noise when the transmitters are either turned
off or out of transmission range. An auto mute circuit is incorporated in these
systems to effectively eliminate the popping noise when the switch is turned on or off.
Features Configured To Be User Friendly
To suit the needs of your application demands, the selection of the
transmitters to be used with the AWM6025 system includes handheld microphone transmitter, lavaliere
microphone transmitter, headset
microphone transmitter, and/or guitar transmitter.
System Designed For Accessibility
The AWM6025 system has been designed and manufactured to be
dependable, problem free, versatile and easy to use. The AWM6025 system is intended
to be readily accessible to everyone with exceptional performance at a preferred and
affordable price.